Web Domain Email Model | github.com/janwillemstegink/rdap_view_model |
- English version of this message below – | |
Beste domeinnaamhouder, | |
Je krijgt deze mail omdat je de administratieve contactpersoon bent voor onderstaand webdomein. | |
team.blue nl B.V. heeft minimaal één van de houdergegevens gewijzigd. Dit zijn de gegevens: | |
Domein / Domain: | |
domain_handle | |
domain_name | webhostingtech.nl |
domain_name_unicode | webhostingtech.nl |
Houder / Registrant: | |
registrant_handle | STE135417-TRAIP |
registrant_web_id | NL88COMM01234567890123456789012345 |
registrant_full_name | Stegink Hosting & E-mail |
registrant_kind | org |
registrant_name | Jan Willem Stegink |
registrant_phone | +31.264453916 |
registrant_fax | |
registrant_email | steginkj@freedom.nl |
registrant_street | Dr. Schaepmanlaan 44 |
registrant_postal_code | 6823 AS |
registrant_city | Arnhem |
registrant_state_province | Gelderland |
registrant_country_code | NL |
registrant_protected | name,phone,fax,email,address |
Administratieve contactpersoon / Administrative contact: | |
admin_handle | STE135418-TRAIP |
admin_web_id | NL88COMM01234567890123456789012345 |
admin_full_name | Stegink Hosting & E-mail |
admin_kind | org |
admin_name | Jan Willem Stegink |
admin_phone | +31.264453916 |
admin_fax | |
admin_email | admindesk@janwillemstegink.nl |
admin_street | Dr. Schaepmanlaan 44 |
admin_postal_code | 6823 AS |
admin_city | Arnhem |
admin_state_province | Gelderland |
admin_country_code | NL |
admin_protected | web_id,full_name,name,phone,fax,address |
Facturering (indien de registry dit onderhoudt) / Billing (if the registry maintains this): | |
billing_handle | |
billing_web_id | NL88COMM01234567890123456789012345 |
billing_full_name | Stegink Hosting & E-mail |
billing_kind | org |
billing_name | Jan Willem Stegink |
billing_phone | +31.264453916 |
billing_fax | |
billing_email | steginkj@freedom.nl |
billing_street | Dr. Schaepmanlaan 44 |
billing_postal_code | 6823 AS |
billing_city | Arnhem |
billing_state_province | Gelderland |
billing_country_code | NL |
billing_protected | web_id,full_name,name,phone,fax,email,address |
Is er iets mis? Het bedrijf dat deze domeinnaam beheert is: team.blue nl B.V., of de reseller: TransIP. | |
Als u als registrant via hun menu wijzigingen kunt aanbrengen, dan bent u primair verantwoordelijk. | |
Met vriendelijke groet, | |
SIDN | |
Beantwoord deze mail niet. Als je vragen of feedback hebt, neem dan contact op met support@sidn.nl. | |
Dear registrant, | |
You are receiving this message because you are the administrative contact for the above web domain. | |
team.blue nl B.V. has changed at least one of the holder details. This information is listed. | |
Is there something wrong? The company that manages this domain name is: team.blue nl B.V., or the reseller: TransIP. | |
If you, as a registrant, can make changes via their menu, you are primarily responsible. | |
Kind regards | |
SIDN | |
Please don't reply to this mail. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact support@sidn.nl. | |